If you want to shape your life actively and positively, you will coordinate your goals and paths with your possibilities and the current and expected situations. At first this seems to be a rather rational task.

However, the question of the desirable goals already changes the logical task into an emotional one. We always want to achieve several things at the same time. This is of existential importance and part of our mostly unconscious self-control. For example, if you consciously steer to the right (good sense of togetherness) and your unconscious to the left (individual performance), then you are wasting your strength in your inner struggle against yourself. You are very likely to lose that. The instances in the depths of your soul are the real gods. They have power and time. Goethe already knew: Man is wrong as long as he strives.

Is it an alternative to let yourself drift and just do what you enjoy? You can try it. It will not succeed. Maybe you want to live free and self-determined. No problem. Instead of going to work, you just stay lying down in the morning. At some point you are really awake and want to have breakfast. Just go as you are, washed or not, dressed or not, to the nearest café. There's still money in your wallet, but a dull feeling tells you that it won't be for long. A voice from her subconscious says you'd better apologize to your employer for today and do your job again tomorrow.

For many people, this is a reason to give up self-management in their daily work. There are obligations, diaries, bosses or partners who tell you what to do. That makes bad feelings, but everything else too, doesn't it? A self-determined life needs decisions that mediate between what motivates us in depth (our gods) and what so-called reality demands of us. Emotionally, it makes a huge difference whether you do what you are supposed to do or something you have decided to do.


Perhaps the most important question in self-management is: What do I actually want, what is really attractive for me - here and now.

What is attractive for the individual is determined by the structure of his or her personality. It is important to consider the partial aspects to be assigned to the basic needs in a way that corresponds to one's own personality - and not to disregard any aspect. A person, for example, who primarily strives to live in peace with himself and his environment, does not have to pursue a career or make a name for himself as a special person. To be able to assert oneself appropriately and to get some recognition, should be nevertheless. It depends on the dosage.

What do you need in which dosage?

With its motivation profile, IPM shows, among other things, how strongly basic needs are pronounced. It answers questions that arise when you have to make decisions - i.e. when you take your self-management into your own hands.

Every person has unique strengths and experiences. Knowing them is the first step to a good self-esteem. Showing one's own special characteristics leads to personal recognition by the people who are important to one. For this it is necessary to be authentic and to ensure that exactly this is perceived by your fellow human beings.


The message of the IPM profiles is: You're fine the way you are - but possibly different than others want you to be.

Who is true to himself and shows himself as he is will not always get applause. But that's not what the "blue" part wants either. Recognition is something else - it has its origin in "being recognized" - and that in turn only works on the basis that you don't hide behind any behavior.

The IPM motivation profiles show what your personal strengths and competences are and derive ideas and hints from them, for example on the appropriate professional activity. Use these sources of ideas and checklists for your self-management, but also as proof that it is good to be who you are.Self_shpaing-EN(5)5.png

The way there leads via the differentiated questionnaire, in which statements are sorted 30 times according to importance. In these tasks, conscious thinking and unconscious feeling work together. Sometimes the decisions are simple, then again there are formulations that appear to be of equal importance. Rely on your intuition.

At the end you will receive a PDF document in which your strengths and expected properties are described in detail.

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You can use your personal access data to receive individual recommendations based on the analysis of your questionnaire decisions. Among other things, they will be shown:

Portrait [Motivation type; Characteristics; Typical behaviour; Shaping success; Communication]

Self-management [To be well cared for; to avoid unhealthy ones; to cultivate relationships; to decide]

Learning [to achieve goals; because it's fun; in the right environment; anchoring in memory]

Profession [Goals; Activities; Personal Strengths; Career Strategies; Cooperation]

Well-being [self-motivation; coping with stress; satisfaction; checking attitudes; self-confidence]

Analyze relationships

In the netxt step, you can compare your profile with others. This is interesting for proffesional decisions:

  • Company profile (my current or planned employer)
  • Team profile (my colleagues)
  • Job or job profile (my current job or job profile)
  • Educational profile (suitable training and further education offers)

And second, to clarify relationships with people close to you:

  • Partner profile (my partner, my colleagues, children, parents...)
  • Family profile (m family or my circle of friends)
  • Chief and staff profile

That the results are always neutral or passive, results from the IPM construct. Because all basic needs are vital, there are no good or bad depth motives. Of course, there is a behavior that harms yourself or others. Mostly misconstrued experiences are responsible for this. But that does not analyze IPM. We limit ourselves to what your friends, colleagues or family members want to achieve for themselves. This in turn determines their competences, communication and similarities.

Motivation profiles or text analyzes

If you need a profile for other people who do not (yet) have a motivation profile, or for a task, company, or specific group, then use test analysis. Here in an axample of the job profile of a job:


In principle, the procedure is the same regardless of the desired profile, only the questions and the calculation methodology change. This example is about your job or job profile. In the same way, you can also analyze the profile of a company, for example from their Internet texts or a product.

A typical job profile looks like this (excerpt)


Represent relationships

A matrix function makes it possible to visualize the relationships to one another. It`s about a straightforward answer to typical questions like:

Who plays which role in your company or family? How far are people emotionally apart from each other? How close are my job or the planned studies?


In this example, "Diane" (all names are fictious) depicts her most important relationships and intentions in relation to herself.

Above are the enforcement types, below are the down to earth partners. On the left, subject-oriented individualists and, on the right, the communicative affiliation types.

Her friend Basti and her father are among the motivators; her mother, as a reliable specialist, probably needs fewer words. While girlfriend Elise wants a good balance between left and righ, Diane needs a balance between enforcement and safety. It can be the communicative anchor point in this setting.

The question remains: why Diane wants to study architecture?

Of corse, motivation and advice from clients are very important for architects. But that is neither a focus in the study nor in proffesional practice. Maybe Diane should compare her needs with reality.

The task of self-management is to clarify such questions, to make good decisions and to foster mutual understanding in relationships. The IPM profiles make aware possible connections, backgrounds and differences. Every human being is different from us.